Frontenac Private Roads Study

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County of Frontenac, Ontario

County-wide assessment of 981 private lanes

Client: County of Frontenac
Status: Completed June, 2016

Inventory of existing private lanes

Inventory and mapping of residential and vacant lands

GIS data analysis

Constraint Mapping Analysis

Review and analysis of population, demographic, economic, MPAC assessment, and building permit data

Jp2g completed a County-wide assessment of the existing private lanes system within the Townships of North Frontenac, Central Frontenac, South Frontenac, and the Frontenac Islands.

This data-driven study includes a review of private lane policies and identifies policy issues and trends affecting private lane development.

It is the first County-wide assessment of private roads (lanes) that has been prepared to address Provincial Policy Statement (2014) concerns about development on private roads.

Jp2g conducted GIS data analysis of existing private lanes, identified and evaluated policy issues, and recommended policy framework for reviewing proposals for development on private lanes.

Jp2g worked in collaboration with Templeman Menninga LLP and Morehouse Associates.

Benefits of the study:

  • Recommends a planning framework to best manage these lanes
  • Promotes lane improvements  
  • Provides planning policies to guide future private lanes development